Posts Tagged ‘XOR


[VB.Net] String XOR

This XOR is slightly more useful, you can encrypt a string using a byte as the key:

    Public Function StringXOR(ByVal str1 As String, ByVal XORByte As Byte) As String
        StringXOR = ""
        For i As Integer = 0 To str1.Length - 1
            StringXOR &= CChar(ChrW(Asc(str1(i)) Xor XORByte))
    End Function


Debug.WriteLine(StringXOR("sim0n", 222))

Would Output:

and so

Debug.WriteLine(StringXOR("­•³î°", 222))

Would Output:


[VB.Net] String/Binary XOR

Got bored and decided to write this function. It can convert the input strings to binary and then XOR’s the strings together and returns a binary output.
Serves very little purpose..
Basic flow is:

  • Check if strings are in binary format
    • If needed, converts
  • Checks each strings length
    • Pads to same length if needed
  • Loops through each character in the first string
  • Compares with corresponding character in second string
    • If they are the same appends 0 to output, else appends 1
  • Returns output
    ''' <summary >
    ''' A function to XOR two strings together
    ''' </summary >
    ''' <param name="str1" > The first string to be XOR'd</param>
    ''' <param name="str2" > The second string to be XOR'd</param>
    ''' <param name="str1binary" > Boolean: Initial = False
    ''' False; str1 requires converting to binary;
    ''' True; str1 is already in binary format</param >
    ''' <param name="str2binary" > Boolean: Initial = False
    ''' False; str2 requires converting to binary;
    ''' True; str2 is already in binary format</param >
    ''' <returns > A binary string representing the two values XOR'd together</returns>
    ''' <remarks > This function serves little purpose.</remarks>
    Public Function StringToBinaryXOR(ByVal str1 As String, ByVal str2 As String, Optional ByVal str1binary As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal str2binary As Boolean = False) As String
        Dim BinaryString1 As String = ""
        Dim BinaryString2 As String = ""
        Dim BinaryOutput As String = ""
        ''If the string is not already binary, convert it
        If str1binary = False Then
            For Each cha As Byte In ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str1)
                BinaryString1 &= Convert.ToString(cha, 2)
            BinaryString1 = str1
        End If
        ''If the string is not already binary, convert it
        If str2binary = False Then
            For Each cha As Byte In ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str2)
                BinaryString2 &= Convert.ToString(cha, 2)
            BinaryString2 = str2
        End If
        ''Pad the strings
        If BinaryString1.Length < BinaryString2.Length Then
            BinaryString1.PadLeft(BinaryString2.Length - BinaryString1.Length, "0")
        ElseIf BinaryString2.Length < BinaryString2.Length Then
            BinaryString2.PadLeft(BinaryString1.Length - BinaryString2.Length, "0")
        End If
        ''Loop through the string comparing each of the values
        For i As Integer = 0 To BinaryString1.Length - 1
            If BinaryString1.Chars(i) = BinaryString2.Chars(i) Then
                BinaryOutput &= 0
                BinaryOutput &= 1
            End If
        Return BinaryOutput
    End Function

Since it can convert strings for you, you can either input binary, or strings.

        Debug.WriteLine(StringToBinaryXOR("sim0n", "x0r"))
        Debug.WriteLine(StringToBinaryXOR("1110011110100111011011100001101110", "x0r", True))
        Debug.WriteLine(StringToBinaryXOR("sim0n", "11110001100001110010", , True))
        Debug.WriteLine(StringToBinaryXOR("1110011110100111011011100001101110", "11110001100001110010", True, True))

Would All Output:

To prove that it works correctly, you can then use this outputted value to xor one of the original values, and you will get the other initial input.

        Debug.WriteLine(StringToBinaryXOR("sim0n", "1110011110100100101010000000011100", , True))
        Debug.WriteLine(StringToBinaryXOR("1110011110100111011011100001101110", "1110011110100100101010000000011100", True, True))

Would both output:
0000000000000011110001100001110010 (binary for x0r)


        Debug.WriteLine(StringToBinaryXOR("x0r", "1110011110100100101010000000011100", , True))
        Debug.WriteLine(StringToBinaryXOR("11110001100001110010", "1110011110100100101010000000011100", True, True))

Would both output:
1110011110100111011011100001101110 (binary for sim0n)